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Customer Detail Sales by Salesman Changes

Report has been modified so that any equipment contracts in place for a salesman's customers are listed at the end of each customer.

Weldpak Leases

A new lease status code 'c' has been added as documented below:

Lease has been credited and has been put to the canceled lease file. However, the lease is also kept in the current lease file until month end has been processed. These leases will be treated as canceled and will not be renewed but will be included in lease balances for the purpose of calculating rental/demurrage charges for the month in which the leases were credited. This has been introduced to address an issue where if daily rental cylinders are returned mid-month and their leases credited, rental/demurrage was being charged 
for the number of days in the month the customer had the cylinder prior to returning it.                                              

2014 Payroll Changes

Logic changes and tax table changes have been made for 2014.

Inquiry Web View Changes

WEB view option has been changed such that any inquiries generating browser views of the inquiry that reference pdf documents, will now have a live link to the pdf document in the Web view.  As well Customer cylinder summary, cylinder detail, and cylinder lease inquiries have had WEB view options added.

Browser Based Jedron Software

The browser version of Jedron software has now begun incorporating Weldpak inquiries as well as Weldpak files.



Browser Version OnGoing Development

A Browser version of the Journal Entries program is now under development.  Initially this will work with on line entries only, but will eventually also process batch entries where needed.

Inventory Posting Report and Updates

Report and updates can now be processed by individual documents, rather than processing all at once.

Operator Audit Trail

This report has been modified to include menu parameters passed to the program.

Customer Order Status Inquiry by PO#

This inquiry has been modified to list history in reverse date sequence, showing newer orders first.

A/R and A/P inquiry Cheque Summaries

The cheque summary at the end of these inquiries is now reverse date sequenced, which is helpful in showing more recent payments first in the history version of the inquiry.

BIBTREAD Tire Pool Inventory

Changes have been made such that when entering a new order or invoice for a pool customer, a Bibtread Work Order number may be entered at the product code field, which if used, will populate that document with the product code and tag numbers used on the work order.  This can also be done at the tag entry portion of the document.

BIBTREAD Work Order Raw Material Override

A change has been made allowing the user to add a percentage increase to a raw material item.  This if present will be used to increase the raw material usage by that amount when a Bibtread work order using that raw material is processed.  This feature allows you to override Michelin's standard BMX where it appears to be incorrect.

Inventory File Maintenance Cross Reference Codes

A change has been made to inventory file maintenance that will allow the user to replace any previous cross reference codes entered with a new product using that code.  This will also remove this code a cross reference to a different product.

SendEmail incorporated in additional programs

Unixware includes the standard sendmail program which is used extensively, but is a problem to set up where an authorized mail server is required. Where needed sendEmail is used instead.  Changes have been made to allow this email version to now be used in almost all our programs.