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Document Code JRMENU

If you are looking for HELP on the Current menu, please type ?0 or ?x where x=entry number at any menu or 0 for entire menu

General Help Follows. 

If you are using Tinyterm Version 4.41 or higher, and mouse controls have been activated, and you have a properly mapped samba server drive, click on Jedron_Manuals to view pdf versions of the documentation. While at any menu, the following information is always displayed on the top 2 lines.

Top Line

Your Systems Unix uname

Terminal ID (eg T0, T1, TA, TB, etc.).

Your Company Name.

The serial # and level number (in brackets) of the installed

BASIC software.


2nd Line

SXXX? identifies the menu (selector) number. The ? indicates

that general help on that particular menu is available.

The name of the operator logged in & the description of that menu.

(CC) (BB) identifies the last company code and branch code accessed.



Individual menu entries are identified as XX:, where XX represents


the entry number and ':' identifies that help on that particular

entry is available.

When referring to Function keys, you may see reference to a key that does not

appear on your keyboard.

For example, PC Keyboards only have [F1] to [F12].

For the Tinyterm EMulation, using the [CTRL] key at the same time as a Function

key, adds 10 to the key.

For example [CTRL][F5] is the same as [F15].---------

As well, [SHIFT] plus a Function key adds 12 (the highest F key value) to the


This is also true of some other emulations.

Effective 2004, mouse controls have been implemented in this application, using either Tinyterm Version 4.41 or up, or Thoroughbred's Terminal Emulator. These controls have been added to menus, file maintenance, and other applications are being added as needed. Double Left Click on an entry selects that entry if available. Double Left Click on an F Key prompt executes that F Key. Generally, if a value is underlined, there is a mouse control active if the underlined value is clicked. If mouse functions are available, clicking on LOF on the menu will exit the application, as if LOF had been keyed.

The following options are available at any menu.

All options, with the

exception of those using function keys, require input of a [CR] after the option is chosen.



If the field ALLOW LOWERCASE is set to [N]o in either the SYSTEM

Control Record, or the OPERATOR file, By default, if a Tinyterm user

logs in, CAPS LOCK is automatically turned on, and all characters

keyed are uppercase. The CAPS LOCK key Is ineffective, as is the SHIFT

key for charactres a to z.

This may be changed by keying ! followed by [F7] at any input. This accts as a

toggle switch, to allow or disallow lower case characters.

This is available

irregrdless of the OPARTOR and SYSTEM CONTROL settings.


Used to Search for STRING within all menus. Helps locate difficult to

find programs!


Allows you to temporarily change languages from English to

French or vice versa.


For supported Terminals (WYSE60T5) switches between 25/43 Lines


Switches Temporarily to Numeric Month Names in date functions, or vice



Toggles Windows Command line ON/OFF


Allows the Operator to Change their Default Start Menu.

Entry #

Allows you to access that particular entry.


Cursor control keys (up/down and left/right arrows) may be used


to position yourself to a specific entry.


Will automatically access the entry currently HIGHLIGHTED.


Allows direct access to any menu number (where XXX is the

menu number to be accessed).


Allows direct access to a specific entry on a specific menu

where XXX is the menu number and YY is the entry number.


Allows you to change the date and/or time for your terminal only,

without affecting the actual system date/time.


Allows direct access to general menu help (this documentation).


Allows direct access to general help documentation for that

particular menu, followed by Help for each entry on the menu.

See also the 'Jedbase Menus' menu for a program which allows you to

obtain a hard copy printout of help for specific menu(s).


Allows direct access to help documentation for a particular entry

on the menu, where X represents the entry number for which help

is desired.


Allows direct access to basic console mode (if allowed).


Allows access to unix command mode (if allowed).


Displays a list of all files defined within JEDBASE (if allowed).


Displays a list of all menus defined within JEDBASE (if allowed).


Displays a list of all data entry screens defined within JEDBASE (i



Allows access to an on line calculator (limited functions).


Allows direct access to the JEDBASE mail messaging system (documented

on the 'Office Automation' menu).


Allows direct access to the JEDBASE telephone messaging system (docu-

mented on the 'Office Automation' menu).


Allows direct access to the JEDBASE telephone number lookup system

(documented on the 'Name & Address Database Menu', accessible from

the 'Office Automation Menu').


Allows direct access to JEDBASE file maintenance (if allowed).


Allows direct access to JEDBASE file definition (if allowed).

LOF or

Logs the terminal out of basic and returns to the unix login prompt.



Displays the current directory environment (if allowed).


Allows input of a unix command (if allowed).

XXXXXXXX [F1] Allows direct access to the BASIC program, where XXXXXXXX

represents the name of the program to be run (if allowed).

xxxxxxxx [F1] Allows direct execution of the unix command, where xxxxxxxx

represents the name of the unix command to be executed (if allowed).

(note that X is upper and x is lower case)


Allows temporary switching from one operator code to another (if


` [CR]

Direct Access to JEDRON Electronic Mail System.

! [CR]

Allow direct access to Menu 00 of the NEW Called Inquiry Menu System

which allows you to perform a variety of inquiries and other tasks.

! [F1]

Allows direct access to the OLD Called Inquiries (eff. 931130)

! [Fx]

If you key any function key from [F2] to [F16] selection 2 to 26

** on New Called Inquiry Menu 01 is run automatically

` [Fx]

If you key any function key from [F1] to [F16] selection 17 to 32

** on New Called Inquiry Menu 01 is run automatically

** If a record is found in ADCT1A the menu entries with the alias found

in 'FKEY 02 ALIAS' thru 'FKEY 32 ALIAS' are respecively.


Allows you to set (or change) the alarm date and time. The alarm

consists of a series of audible bells, which will ring the first

time a menu is accessed at or after the alarm time. This can be

used for 'reminder' purposes - e.g., to remind you of an

important appointment, etc.

The audible bells will continue to ring until you clear the alarm

(prompt will display on how to clear it).


Allows direct access to the 'Personal Spooler' feature (if

available - documented on the 'Office Automation' menu).


Allows direct access to the Jedbase Scheduling System (documented

on the 'Scheduling System Menu', accessible from the 'Office

Automation Menu').


Accesses the Scheduler starting with Login Status of Users.


Accesses Report describing what logged in users are running.

!JRMOUC! Documentation attempting infinite loop!

ADCTL= (JRMENU/00) PARAMATERS # days pwd valid This can be used to force JEDRON passwords to be updated


on a regular basis (done for WESCAN).

To use:

JRCTLZ: Passw'd required should be set to use

ADCTL= JRMENU/00 record: Set the # of days for

which passwords are to be valid.

JRCTLO: For each operator currently on file, load a

password expiry date (less then or equal to

current date)

JRMENU See mods made April 30/2002

Once above files have been loaded, the next time the operator

logs in to the Jedron system, they will be prompted for a new

password and expiry date. A VALID expiry date, less than or

equal to the # of days specified must be loaded.

FUNCTION KEYS - GENERAL The following are standard function keys used throughout the entire system.


Whenever a yes/no question is asked, you may use [F1] for yes.


Whenever a yes/no question is asked, you may use [F2] for no.


This key can always be used to back up to a previous field.


This key is used to exit or end one section of a program at a

time. When the final section is exited, this key will end the

program entirely.


During data entry, if keying over a field that had previous values,

This key will append the rest of the field data past the cursor to

data keyed up to the cursor. The only exception is for any calls to

the Jedbase text editor (JRTEXT) where the [F5] key does the reverse.

This text editor is used in mail, documenation, comments entry, etc.


This key is supported on a limited number of terminals. It acts as

a toggle switch, allowing insert mode during text entry.

In addition to the above standard function keys, the terminal status line(s) will display other function key options available. As well, throughout the applications, the following single characters can be

used for specific functions


Virtually anywhere, keying the question mark on its own, will access

any help that is available for the particular field currently being

processed. Key this at any menu to determine other help options

available from menus.

[`] [CR]

This allows access to Jedron's Electronic Mail/Filing System.

[!] [CR]

This allows access to Menu 00 of NEW Called Inquiries System.

[!] [F1]

This allows access to the OLD Called Inquiries Menu.

[!] [Fx]

If you key [F2] through [F16], selection x on NEW Called Inquiry

** Menu 01 is run automatically

[`] [Fx]

If you key [F1] through [F16], selection 17 thru 32 on New Called

** Menu 01 is run automatically

** If a record is found in ADCT1A then the Menu Entry with the alias

found in 'FKEY 02 ALIAS' thru 'FKEY 32 ALIAS' is run instead.


This allows user to print the current screen if the terminal read

option is available. Note: On some terminals, if the screen contains

graphics, errors may occur if this is used.


Allows access to Jedron's Calculator program.


If terminal has multi screen capability, keying this displays other

of two pages that Jedron makes use of.


Allows direct access to the Jedbase Phone Number lookup capability.

This program does lookup from the master customer, supplier, employee

and name & address database files.

(Note: - this was changed from [@] on 93/03/22.)


For super-super users when not at the MENU allows access to the

screen-oriented program editor "JRED".

FILE MAINTENANCE - STANDARD OPTIONS The following are standard options available while in file maintenance (for any


When file maintenance is first accessed, the following options are available

1 - Add 2 - Change 3 - Delete 4 - Inquire 5 - List 6 - Quick File Maintenance F1 - to select fields F2 - Add/Change/Delete Choosing any option from 1 through 6 allows you to perform that specific function only. The F2 option allows you to automatically flip back & forth between the three modes indicated, without having to end one mode before choosing the next one. If you input a key (e.g. customer number) which does not already exist, you

will be flipped into the add mode.

If you input a key which does already

exist, you will be flipped into the change mode, with an option to delete the record if desired. The F1 to select fields option applies to option 1 or 2 (choose option followed

by F1).

This allows you to maintain specific fields only. The same thing can

be accomplished by using option '6', which displays fields in a slightly different format. The following is a list of function key features available while in file


Some of these features are EXPLICIT PROMPT features only (i.e.,

feature is only available when an explicit prompt regarding that feature is

displayed in the highlighted box at the bottom of the screen).


PROMPT features have been indicated with an *** beside them.

F1 to case translate (***)

This prompt allows you to translate the contents

of the field you are in, from all UPPERCASE to

a combination of UPPER & LOWER case. This

feature does not work the other way around.

F9 to hex translate (***)

This prompt allows you to translate the contents

of the field you are in, to its hexadecimal value

(e.g., the hexadecimal value for the word NAME

is 4E414D45).

F8 (or ?) for help

While in any field, pressing either of these

keys will display help documentation for that

particular field.

F6 repeat last value (***)

When displayed, this prompt allows you to repeat

the value for the field you are in, using the

value of that field from the PREVIOUS record

which was maintained.

F3 to back up

Used on its own, the F3 key allows you to back up

one field at a time.

Field # followed by F3

Used in this fashion, you may move to a specific

field number, either forward or backward.

F2 to search

This option alows you to position yourself to

specific points within a file. This is useful

in options such as change or inquiry.

While in the key (e.g., at customer number or

product number field), inputting any character

or combination of characters followed by F2

will position you to the first record starting

at that character or combination of characters.

Used on its own, this option will bring up the

first and subsequent records in the file.

? & field # for help (***)

When displayed, this option allows you to

request help documentation for a specific field


? in bottom right corner

When first accessing a file, if there is

of screen (***)

general help documentation on that file (not

relating to a specific field), this '?' will

display. Simply press the '?' key to access

this general help.

F5 for hard copy (***)

When displayed, this allows you to print a

hard copy of exactly what you see on the screen.

F7 for hard copy (***)

Same as F5 for hard copy, except that this

printout would highlight any changes which might

have been made to the record.

F7 to copy a record (***)

This option is only available in the ADD mode,

at the first field AFTER the key. This would

allow you to copy the contents of an existing

record into the record you are currently

adding. (e.g., if in customer file, this

prompt would display at the NAME field.)

F10 to search (***)

This option is available in certain fields,

where values previously loaded into another

file are required. It can be used to look

up existing values in that file in the event

that you cannot remember what they are. (e.g.

in the Master Customer File, this option would

be available in the Salesman Number field).

Quick File Maintenance:

Two options are available, as mentioned earlier.

The 'Key with F1 to select fields option' allows

you to specify certain fields only; however, it

will still display all fields within the file.

Option '6' allows you to specify certain fields

only and will only display those fields


Retrieval Rules within

If option '6' (quick file maintenance) is chosen,

Quick File Maintenance:

in addition to specifying the fields which are to

be maintained, you will also be able to specify

specify retrieval rules for the records which are

to be maintained. This could be useful, for

example, if you wish to do quick file maintenance

on certain records only (e.g., bulk changes on

postal codes, but only for those customers whose

postal code begins with M1C, etc.).

To illustrate:

Assume the following file definition:

Field # 2 = Customer Number (6 characters)

Field # 7 = Postal Code (7 characters)

Field #10 = Telephone Number (10 characters)

Field #34 = YTD Sales (10 digits)

Assume Postal Codes are loaded in the format:

Field Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Postal Code M 1 C 2 T 1

The blank space in the fourth position of the

field counts as a character.

Retrieval Rule: F7(1,3)="M1C"

would only pick up those

customers whose postal code

begins with M1C.


would only pick up those

customers whose postal code

ends with 2T1.

F7(4,1)<>" "

Would only pick up those

customers where the fourth

character of the postal code

is not a blank space.


Would only pick up those

customers whose YTD sales

are less than $5,000.00.

The following arguments are allowed when

specifying retrieval rules:

= Equal To <= Less Than or Equal To

> Greater Than >= Greater Than or Equal To

< Less Than <> Not Equal To

AND/OR statements can also be used. Example:

F7(1,3)="M1C" AND F34<5000 would pick up all

customers whose postal code begins with M1C AND

whose YTD sales are less than $5,000.00.

F7(1,3)="M1C" OR F7(1,3)="M2C" would pick up all

customers whose postal code begins with either


When specifying retrieval rules, fields whose

contents could be either alpha or numeric must

have their values enclosed in quotations.

Fields which are considered numeric fields only

do not have their values enclosed in quotations.

A syntax error message will display if the above

rule is not followed. If this happens, simply

specify your retrieval rules again with or

without the quotation marks as appropriate.

List Option:

The list option is a report generation feature

which allows you to design, create & optionally

save your own reports. This feature is

described in detail in the JEDBASE RUN TIME


Throughout the system, menu selections have been identified as 'ESCAPE ALLOWED' or 'ESCAPE NOT ALLOWED'.


Programs thus designated simply read files. They do not

actually write to any files. Escaping will not damage



If you encounter an error while running a program thus

designated, simply make note of any messages displayed

(i.e., Error Number, Line Number, Program Name) - then

contact Jedron at your convenience to resolve the problem.


You may also escape out of these programs if you decide

they were not required (e.g., if you start printing a

report, then realize you have chosen the wrong one).


Programs thus designated manipulate information in one

or more files. If an error is encountered while running

one of these programs, contact Jedron immediately for



Simply escaping out of the program could result in

unwanted consequences.

S860 Jedron Web Applications -- Document Code JRWEB0

This menu is used to run various tasks associated with running the browser version of Jedron and Weldpak software.

In order to use this application, a number of things are required, as follows

Web server software must be running on the server hosting the Jedron application.

Typically this is apache2 installed on unixware. The htdocs link for this app must be set to the dos/weblink folder in which the Jedron webpages are created and run. The browser based version of the software is actually running the basic programs

that have been enabled for web access.

These programs when run from the

browser, actually generate a new web page each time run, as well as an

associated php page for processing the data entered on the html page.

When a

page is submitted, the php page processes the data submitted from the html page, and passes it to a basic program (JRWEB0) running from an open window in

tinyterm, or as a basic ghost task.

This program in turn passes the results of

the previous page processed to the next basic program, which then generates the next html page in the browser. The first 2 items on the menu allow you to run the Jedron basic task described

above either in a tinyterm window, or as a ghost task.

This must be started

before any browser programs can be run. Please review the other programs on this menu for additional features and run options.

Full Manual