over 40 years, Jedron Software
been providing businesses with highly functional,
fully integrated computer systems. Developed by
Ron Kirschner in 1982, Jedron Software has evolved
into a powerful business tool, offering the latest in
technological advances while delivering seamless and
cost effective day-to-day operations.
diverse, international customer base ranges from
local, family-owned businesses to multi-national
industries. LTL Technologies, the provider of Jedron
Software, offers customized system integration,
personalized for each and every client to provide
optimal efficiency.
supply turn-key systems which include hardware
and software integration expertise, implementation
support training, custom programming, data conversion,
project management and on-going support. A highly
qualified team of specialists, experienced in all aspects
of Jedron Software, supports our customers from the
head office of LTL Technologies Inc.
check out our site for more information or email us
today at info@jedron.com.